Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008

what I am..Who I am...and Who'd I wannabe

Agak narsis juga siy..kalo baru sehari ngeblog aja udah nampilin 3 foto gw sendiri...tapi kalo dipikir2 ya begitulah hidupku..bukan egois juga siy...
Tapi kalo sesuai judulnya *halah*..mari kita analisa satu demi satu : *eng..ing..eng...*
>>What I am ?<<
I am a person that works in a govermental side which the main job is audit..*u know exactly now* and I am a very nice person that is trying hard to find the true way of my life...is it the right way through all of the years that I've spent..? *Lha...kok malah nanya lagi siy..? bukankah ini harusnya jawaban..??hehehehe*
>>Who I am?<<
My name is Cynthya Artha Kirana..I birth in Jakarta and I've had a lot of experience of traveling around a little bit of Indonesia..*karena ikut bapak pindah2 siy...hehehehehe* jadi kayaknya kalo besok2 ada yang nanya lagi "aslinya mana?" maka dengan sangat terpaksa aku akan menjawab Jakarta..even I've got my royal label in front of my name...*hiks..what a shame..*
>>Who'd I wannabe?<<
Naaaahhh ini dia yang masih dalam pertanyaan..terlalu banyak yang aku inginkan di dunia ini...
1. Membahagiakan orang tua.. *waduh ini bakal jadi sepanjang hidup deh kayaknya..*
2. Married with a person that I love... *nah lhooo...udah hampir dikejar deadline niy..
untung si Mama masih fokus sama mb Vic..hihihihihi...*
3. Being a very good Mother for my future children and a very good wife for my future husband..
*Sayangku...bunda punya komitmen yang kuat untuk hal yang satu ini..
Insya Allah doa kita terkabul ya,cinta..*
4. Follow the faith that I've got and i have to believe that it is the best for me...
*nah..ini yang agak susah..semoga tawakkal ya...*
I think that's enough deh...aku masih mau kerja lagi..disuruh bikin laporan niy...hiks..hiks..hiks...

Surabaya hujan..

Fiufffhhh...setelah berhari-hari dan berbulan-bulan tidak merasakan nikmatnya air hujan..

Akhirnya tadi malam Surabaya hujan juga...kayak air ditumpahkan langsung dari langit..

Sempet juga siy merasa kok hujan..padahal aku lapeeerrr banget..hehehehe..
Akhirnya tadi malam, dengan berbekal jas hujan aku nekat keluar with my beloved "Revo" and Farah's Dad..hehehe...

Ada spot-spot yang banjir juga..tapi aku sengaja menceburkan diri..dan tertawa lepaaaasss...
Rasanya sooo greatful..merasakan air yang tapping on my face and the splashing of rain in my motorbike...

Sumpah deh...aku ketawa lepaaaaasssss...bangeeeettt...

Subhanallah, aku masih bisa merasakan air hujan di Surabaya...


Love of my life....

Simple..loveable..nice..sweet...he is the love of my life...
Hopefully in the future we could be as we want to be..

So fresh..so natural..that's our relationship right now..like the waterfalls behind..

Love of my life...I miss u a lot..can we go to another vacation again..?? cause I miss the way u look sooo fresh at that day..

Look at the mirror, honey...and see the future who'd u become..

The love of my life...Ayah'y Faranissa..

Feeling Blue...

Lately..I had my feeling so blue since yesterday..
I don't know why..but I think it is because my doubt about "someone" in my heart..
I know I have to trust and believe...but I don't know..why this feeling always haunting me..

Okay, I think he is the "one" he is sooo perfect for me..and I know I have to care...
I love him...I care for him...but why this doubt always aftering me...should I run ?

It's been a year...and I hope this "blue" don't come again years after...

Oh..soo bluee...